Hakan Eren "Ein Land am Meer"
Duration: January 15 - February 28, 2021
BauSchau Essen, Brigittastraße 9
Visible through the window, appointments via email.

The artist will be present in the following hours:

Monday, January 18, 2021 from 6 to 8 pm
Thursday, January 21, 2021 from 1:30 to 4 pm
Every tuesday from 1:30 to 4 pm
Every thursday from 4:30 to 7 pm

Only after registration via email:

Thursdays from 1:30 to 4 pm


State­ment Regar­ding the Poli­ti­cal Inten­ti­on of my work

Hakan Eren

Poli­ti­cal deve­lo­p­ments world­wi­de as well as in my more imme­dia­te sur­roun­dings preoc­cu­py me on a per­so­nal level. I obser­ve the­se things, but I am not one who admo­nis­hes others. In my youth I was poli­ti­cal­ly acti­ve on a com­mu­nal level, but at the pre­sent I am not poli­ti­cal­ly acti­ve and do not try to inter­fe­re directly.

For my works I often use fabric, wood and all kinds of found objects. I belie­ve that how and what I cho­se to work with is infor­med by the fact that I come from two cul­tu­ral dif­fe­rent back­grounds — Tur­ki­sh and Ger­man. With such a back­ground, one is always both on the insi­de and the out­side of many issues.That is why I have to look at many things from both sides and try to make sen­se of them within the frame­work of my very own thoughts. 

In my work I always do this while kee­ping a cer­tain distance to the view­ers. This both allows for pre­ser­ving my auto­no­my in the obser­va­tio­nal pro­cess as well as giving the view­ers space to incor­po­ra­te their thoughts into the works, to crea­te their own flow of thought. 

My works show poli­ti­cal­ly very pro­ble­ma­tic things like flight, cau­ses of flight, oppres­si­on, vio­lence, etc. But, on the other hand, the works always remain playful as well and don’t address the issues direct­ly. For me, the­re are so many cir­cum­s­tances in the world one must decry. But I belie­ve that this fee­ling does not deter­mi­ne my artis­tic work, at least not direct­ly. I think it is okay if my work inspi­res peo­p­le to fur­ther dis­cuss cer­tain poli­ti­cal­ly rele­vant issues. But to be able to secu­re fur­ther obser­va­ti­on, a dif­fe­rent posi­ti­on is nee­ded than that of direct enga­ge­ment in poli­ti­cal con­flict. I would not by any means say that I am try­ing to shift boun­da­ries in this pro­cess. I just want to assert that a work always has value if it has a sto­ry to tell which is not obvious. 

It always gives me gre­at plea­su­re to pro­du­ce my work in this way. This, in turn, is a very strong indi­ca­ti­on for me that what I am doing takes place on a dif­fe­rent level than that of poli­ti­cal motivation.