Duration 02.07. - 23.07.2020
visible through display windows, on the occasion of Düsseldorf Photo+
BauSchau Düsseldorf, Brehmstraße 41
Appointments via email

Artist Talk with Mat­thi­as Grün­dig (Folk­wang Uni­ver­si­tät der Küns­te) on our You­Tube channel:
“Juli 2020 // Künst­ler­ge­spräch / Rebec­ca Raci­ne Ramers­ho­ven: Me & Mr. Jones”

Sin­ce the exhi­bi­ti­on in March on the occa­si­on of Pho­to+ had to be inter­rupt­ed due to known reasons, it can now continue.

„Me & Mr. Jones“ is a per­so­nal and artis­tic exami­na­ti­on of iden­ti­ty, ori­gin and affi­lia­ti­on. It offers a poli­ti­cal reflec­tion on the com­plex chan­ges of Black Ger­man iden­ti­ty over the last 70 years, and it is a nego­tia­ti­on of Rebec­ca Raci­ne Ramershoven’s lived expe­ri­ence as a black woman in Germany.
Docu­men­ting her first visit to her Afri­can Ame­ri­can fami­ly in Phil­adel­phia in 2017 and jux­ta­po­sing the­se pho­tos with pri­va­te foo­ta­ge and objects from her Ger­man fami­ly archi­ve, she fol­lows two auto­bio­gra­phi­cal lines. The first line goes back to her Afri­can Ame­ri­can grand­fa­ther, who was based as a sol­dier in Ger­ma­ny after WWII, and his com­plex rela­ti­onship to his black Ger­man daugh­ter – her mother. The second line leads to her white Ger­man grand­fa­ther and his son – her father.
Exami­ning the­se con­tra­dic­to­ry fami­ly his­to­ries, Ramers­ho­ven reve­als the com­ple­xi­ties which deter­mi­ne black Ger­man sub­ject posi­ti­ons. Through aes­the­tic and the­ma­tic motifs, such as color and style, as well as recor­ded con­ver­sa­ti­ons, she estab­lishes impli­cit and expli­cit con­nec­tions bet­ween both auto­bio­gra­phi­cal lines. As a con­se­quence, view­ers get a deeper under­stan­ding of the com­ple­xi­ties of black Ger­man sub­jec­ti­vi­ty and the need for a public poli­ti­cal dis­cus­sion about black­ness, whiten­ess, and Germanness.