Stefanie Pürschler // “b‑Seite” // b41 Duesseldorf

What are the b‑sides? Are they models of extra­va­gant rooms with a rooms with a wob­bly depth effect? Or visually […]

Hakan Eren // “My Favorite Game” // b41 Düsseldorf

My Favo­ri­te Game… Hakan Eren Hakan Eren is a sculp­tor who works in a varie­ty of media, pri­ma­ri­ly in the form of […]

ART AWARD 2024 // open call

+++ dead­line exten­ded to March 29th +++

Janis Löhrer // “Falling Into Places” // Art Award 2023

  2023 Bau­stel­le Schau­stel­le art award Janis Löh­rer Fal­ling Into Places Janis Löh­rer, this year’s win­ner of the Bau­stel­le Schau­stel­le art […]

Breanne Moreno // “TEXTURES” // Screening in the BaustelleSchau Düsseldorf

TEXTURES by Brean­ne Moreno Brean­ne Moreno as an artist is a com­po­ser and edu­ca­tor based in Miami, FL who recently […]

Art Award 2023 // Deadline extended

ART AWARD 2023: “Wan­del — Wech­sel — Wen­de”   Dead­line exten­ded: March, 28 2023   This year, the 13th open Art Award […]

Art Award 2023 // open call

ART AWARD 2023: “Wan­del — Wech­sel — Wen­de”   Dead­line exten­ded: March, 28 2023   This year, the 13th open Art Award […]