ART AWARD 2020: „Untitled: Painting – status and perspectives“
Deadline: April 4, 2020
This year, the 11th open Art Award call of Baustelle Schaustelle e. V. invites young artists to submit works on the open topic “Untitled: Painting – status and perspectives”. How can painting be contemporary despite the use of canvas and frame? The winner’s work will be shown in autumn 2020 in a solo exhibition at Baustelle Schaustelle Essen. In addition, the winner will present her/him work in one night of our series ZU GAST.
The Art Award 2020 is bound to the topic “Untitled: Painting – status and perspectives”. Please submit a project (exposé), which is to be realized at Baustelle Schaustelle Essen in a solo exhibition (opening 09/10/2020). From the exposé the development of the own artistic work should emerge clearly.
The open call addresses artists up until the age of 35. The winner commits her-/himself to realize an exhibition in fall 2020 at Baustelle Schaustelle Essen (opening on 09/10/2020). On this day there will be an introductory speech or artist talk. The winner will also introduce his/her work further by doing a lecture, talk, performance (or other forms) in our series “ZU GAST” in Essen or Düsseldorf on 07/10/2020. The winner is obligated to organize an introductory person and possible other interlocutors. We inform that there will be no budget other than the price money.
The project space Baustelle Schaustelle is a venue for young contemporary art. Since fall 2007 works by young international artists have been exhibited. The non-profit showroom in Brigittastraße, Essen which was initially intended as a temporary experimental platform, has become established as a permanent exhibition venue. From 2010 until 2019 the Art Award already received a great amount of positive feedback from artists and the media.
An independent jury (see “JURY”) will select the winner of the Art Award 2020. The price money will be 1000 Euro. The winning project will be shown in a solo exhibition at Baustelle Schaustelle, Brigittastraße 9, 45130 Essen, in fall 2020 (opening date: 09/10/2020). Furthermore, the winner will speak about her/his work within our series ZU GAST (date: 07/10/2020).
The application must be submitted by post to: Baustelle Schaustelle, Brigittastraße 9, 45130 Essen, Germany, until March 21, 2020 (postmark date).
Complete applications must include:
_ Printed cover letter incl. contact information
_ Curriculum vitae with realized projects
_ Exposé (sketch or draft of the planned work)
The submitted sketch or exposé should define how the project will be realized in our showroom in Essen. For room plan please see
www.baustelle-schaustelle.de/kunstpreis17. The submitted entries should be no larger than DIN A3. Applications including electronic media must be submitted on DVD or USB storage devices together with the written exposé. Ideally they should also include a synopsis of the given electronic work (i.e. videos). We would like to inform that we will not accept originals. Applications can only be returned if there is a stamped and addressed envelope enclosed to the application. For better communication it is important that you hand in your complete address including email- and phone contact. Since we have no storage room applications which are not picked up until May 31, 2020 will be subject to disposal (pick up dates by appointment via email).
The members of the jury are:
_Peter Gorschlüter, Director of Museum Folkwang, Essen
_Birgit Jensen, Department Design, University
of Applied Science Düsseldorf / Peter Behrens School of Arts
_ Dr. Thomas Kremer, Chairman of Telekom AG
Germany, Bonn
_Dr. Stefanie Kreuzer (chairwoman), Senior curator Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen
_Jürgen Schulte, Member of Baustelle Schaustelle, Essen
_Noemi Weber, Artist, master student of Katharina Grosse, BauSchau Alumni
Baustelle Schaustelle holds no responsibility for submitted applications. Nor can insurance coverage be guaranteed during the transportation or subsequent exhibition of the works. Furthermore, apart from the prize money, financial support for the completion or transportation of works will not be provided under any circumstances. The copyright will remain unaffected. In connection with the contest and the exhibitions, the applicant must waive all his or her rights of usage. The artist allows Baustelle Schaustelle to use text and photo material for publicity and presentation for Baustelle Schaustelle. During the course of the show the exhibited works will remain on the premises of Baustelle Schaustelle. By participating in the contest,
the applicant agrees to the conditions listed above.
Baustelle Schaustelle – Raum für junge Kunst, Brigittastraße 9, 45130 Essen