Tues­day, 22.01.2019, 7pm
Bau­stel­le Schau­stel­le Düs­sel­dorf, Bir­ken­stra­ße 61

Ji hyung Song
Born 1989 in Anyang, Süd­ko­rea / Lives and works in Düsseldorf.

<Saju(사주)> lite­ral­ly means “four pil­lars” in Kore­an. The­se four pil­lars are deter­mi­ned by one’s bir­th­day, and repre­sent one’s birth year, month, day and hour. Simi­lar to a wes­tern horo­scope, Kore­ans belie­ve that the exact timing of birth holds the key to one’s destiny.There is a Kore­an word cal­led <palja(팔)> that most peo­p­le have never heard of. It means “eight cha­rac­ters” and shares simi­lar ideo­lo­gy with Saju. For each of the four pil­lars in Saju, the­re are two cha­rac­ters that repre­sent eit­her hea­ven or earth. This means that each human can have a total of eight cha­rac­ters each sym­bo­li­zing dif­fe­rent things. The­re are also five ele­ments: wood, water, metal, earth and fire. No one can pos­sess all five ele­ments becau­se we only have four pil­lars. This is a beau­tiful way of ack­now­led­ging that nobo­dy is perfect.Walking through the streets in Seo­ul, you can find Saju cafes, Saju tents, offices and many other  places whe­re you can learn about the future. At the begin­ning of the new year, many Kore­ans visit various for­tu­ne tel­ling busi­nesses. The­re is gre­at inte­rest in peo­p­le who would like to learn more about their desti­ny. Often it is dif­fi­cult times or situa­tions that make you more inte­res­ted in the future and pos­si­ble fate. This year I was also going through a dif­fi­cult pha­se whe­re I had a gre­at urge to visit a local Saju place. I felt more com­for­ta­ble after saju for­tu­ne ses­si­ons and this expe­ri­ence lead me to dis­co­ver what saju means to me. I rea­li­zed that Saju plays a very important role in East Asi­an cul­tu­re. Regar­ding my Saju per­for­mance, I will take over parts of the inter­ac­ti­ve work 《Ruhe im Tee­gar­ten 2018》and get in touch. I bring the uni­que Asi­an cul­tu­re into the art con­text and try to com­mu­ni­ca­te with the spec­ta­tors through per­for­ma­ti­ve work.


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