The com­pa­ri­son may be weird, but who grew up with Rit­ter­sport Scho­ko­la­de is fami­li­ar with the slo­gan: squa­re, prac­ti­cal, good. This tri­ad comes to my mind thin­king of Bau­stel­le Schau­stel­le. From the start to me it is the most beau­tiful art space in the city of Essen. Qua­dra­tic, prac­ti­cal, good. What hap­pens here works in the smal­lest space. Stan­ding in the space you are in the midd­le of ever­y­thing. From out­side loo­king through the win­dow you have a full view, too. I call that tho­rough. That room is a chall­enge for artists. Anyo­ne exhi­bi­ting in the cube of Bau­stel­le Schau­stel­le has to con­den­se, mini­mi­ze or reach for the who­le room as mate­ri­al. The space offers no excu­se or com­fort zone. In the end, the image has to be cor­rect — from insi­de and out­side. A gre­at chall­enge of con­cep­tu­al work for ever­yo­ne who exhi­bits here. Such a space remains emp­ty wit­hout enga­ge­ment. Prai­se goes to Bri­git­te Krie­ger and her team of stu­dents who have been announ­cing Bau­Schau art award for 10 years — dedi­ca­ted to curio­si­ty and ide­as of young artists. The award cerem­o­ny and the exhi­bi­ti­on has beco­me a fixed event in the city. Squa­re, prac­ti­cal, good. The adver­ti­sing slo­gan for Rit­ter­sport Scho­ko­la­de is half told only wit­hout the distinc­ti­ve sound split­ting the bar in the midd­le. Bau­stel­le Schau­stel­le in com­mon with the cho­co­la­te: it cracks splendidly!

/// Vol­ker Troche